
While we are all aware that jagex is leading quest lines to a second godwars OSRS Accounts , not everyone knows how they will navigate around the obstacles in the story (namely Guthix edicts). What is your opinion on what they'll do? What god will initiate it? Which mahjrahart can be elevated to godhood? What will be the epic god wars?

I think that the god wars could be initiated by the bilrach... unknowingly. i suspect that guthix (yes guthix) is asleep in the depths of daemonheim. Bilrach plans to repeat zamorak’s ascendance to godhood by banishing guthix. Zaros could easily beat saradomin and zamorak, without guthix's edicts. He had superiority over them in the second age. .

The only exception is if bilrach is on Zamoraks side. Zamorak, being zaros’s primary target, would reduce zaros’s chances of success with his first attempt. The conflict will be furthered due to the arrival of other dieties. Lucien may or may not be able to ascend before this.

If he has not risen before, it's unlikely that he'll join the zamorak/bilrach's coalition. It is likely that he will either leave gielenor or join a coalition in the event that he rises during conflict Buy Old School RS Gold . Nomad is aware of some or all of these plans and is working to stop these... (unless he's crazy or is trying to fool us). This is my opinion. Which is yours?

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