
Visual Concepts announced the event on its blog and unveiled the designs for the game this year. The 75th anniversary celebrations of the NBA will make this year's event special mt nba 2k22 . There will be four different covers for the game with four different editions.

The NBA 2K Cover is a vital platform for the development of young players. I wanted future WNBA players to to know that they can be cover athletes as well. This is a moment of great progress for the sport. This iconic cover is a testimony to the growing popularity and expansion of women's basketball. I am proud that I was selected to be the cover athlete for NBA 2K.

The cover featuring the Chicago Sky pivot will be exclusive to GameStop The rest of the stores will carry the "standard" one featuring Luka Doncic. The Croatian is also on the front cover of the Cross Gen Bundle Edition, while the Anniversary Edition will feature three NBA icons: Kevin Durant, Dirk Nowitzki and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

The Cross Gen Bundle Edition (80 dollars) is the only one that allows you to play the title on PS4 and PS5 or Xbox One and Xbox Series X and S in addition to the Anniversary Edition will cost $ 100 and comes with digital content for online games 2k22 mt buy . On the other hand, the basic version will cost you $60 for PS4, Xbox One and PC and $70 on the other next generation platforms.

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